bumps in the road

once i get into a routine of eating healthy, i start to lose sight of why i’m doing it. most of the time, i start feeling much more confident in my physical appearance and that’s where my focus shifts. so my thought process turns into this: i feel good about myself, so i don’t need to make myself miserable by eating healthy and instead learn how to love myself regardless. and i should love myself regardless, but that shouldn’t be an excuse to not be the best version of myself. and honestly, eating healthy doesn’t make me miserable, my strive to do it perfectly is what makes it difficult.

img_5135.jpgyesterday, i splurged. my boyfriend and i went on a road trip and we got sugar-filled coffee and snacks and ate yummy vegan food. i wore a cute little crop top and felt confident all day. so this morning, i woke up with that mindset. i didn’t eat remotely healthy yesterday, yet i felt cute in my crop top so why am i putting energy towards eating healthy on a daily basis. i laid in bed for a while and ate some of the leftover chocolate oreos and they tasted great, but i also knew i didn’t feel great and i wouldn’t all day if i kept eating unhealthy like i’d planned. when i get into this mindset, i feel like i have to eat every possible thing that sounds good, and that not healthy in any sense of the word.

so i got myself out of bed and brushed my teeth and washed my face, both of which make me instantly feel better, and i made my green smoothie. i’m drinking it right now. and even if i don’t eat the greatest today, because we’re running low on groceries and i’m working on finding other easy foods i can make, i’ll still know i did this small thing to better myself. and just knowing that makes me feel so much better about myself.

i’m sick of having this all or nothing thought process. that’s part of the reason i was so determined to go vegan. i’d been vegetarian several times before for very short spans, but never cared enough because i didn’t have any facts. i always feel as though i have to put all my focus on one thing. so when i decide i want to focus on eating healthy, it’s really easy to beat myself up when i don’t do it perfectly (in my eyes). and that causes me to give up, which doesn’t get me anywhere at all.

so i may have started my morning by eating seven chocolate oreos, but i’m actually really happy with the fact that i was able to take that step back to realize it’s not the end of the world, and i don’t have to feel like crap the rest of the day because of the food i ate yesterday or this morning. it’s going to be a good day!

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