kayler’s journey

things to work on:


i am partially beginning this blog to document my journey in learning to cook healthy IMG_1753vegan food. i have been vegan for a little over two years now, and i love it. throughout that time, i’ve tried many different diets under the vegan umbrella – high carb low fat, raw, whole starch low fat, junk food vegan, etc. however, i never could stick to any of them because they all seemed so complicated when it came to cooking. part of that could be due to the fact that i’m the only vegan in my house, meaning we don’t always have all the ingredients necessary for some of the recipes i see. but the main reason is that i don’t feel i have the motivation, nor the skills, to cook the healthy food that i would love to eat every day. i’m getting to a point where i feel as though i’m doing my body a disservice by not providing it with the foods i know it needs. so, i’ve decided it’s time to make that change, or at least make an effort to do so. this is me holding myself accountable.



another reason i wanted to start this blog was simply to motivate myself to be the best version of myself possible. i see so many people on instagram and youtube doing everything in their power to make their lives what they want to be, but feel as though i am so powerless in my own life. it’s easy to just adjust to circumstances and let them define you, rather than to overcome them. with so much going on in my life right now, i put myself on the back burner, whether that be my physical health or mental health. i also want to open myself up to things that enter my life. i believe the universe has plans for me, but i may not always accept what is dropped onto my lap in order to stay within my comfort zone. it will be scary, but i’m ready to step outside of my box.



IMG_3855anxiety has felt like such a controlling force in my life since middle school. at the time, i
attributed my anxious feelings to puberty and typical teenage thoughts. however, looking back i am now able to see how much of a hold my anxiety had on me. there was a period of time when i was sixteen or seventeen where everything felt so daunting – driving, running into someone i know, going to the store, college, my future job or career. i didn’t want to leave the house, and so i wouldn’t. but as time went on, i realized that the more i stayed home, the scarier everything felt. i went on anxiety medication, which didn’t kill the anxiety, and instead killed my appetite as well as my mood. going to college helped me realize that although i may not be the most outgoing person, i can still have a social life. getting a job also helped me realize that i am able to get along with a lot of people, and capable of learning new things despite them feeling scary. my boyfriend of two and a half years now has also helped me feel comfortable in a way i never thought i could by just dancing around with me and being silly. while my anxiety is much more manageable these days, there are still small things that cause me anxiety, and i would love to conquer some of those.


overall, i just want to better myself and my overall quality of living. i don’t want to look back and regret not prioritizing myself. so this is my first step forward. i don’t expect it to be a walk in the park, but i am excited to see where it leads me. i just want to be the best and happiest me, regardless of the circumstances that surround me.

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